Toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines - without exception. The blood samples of all the people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes.
Professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science – ‘This is outrageously malicious’
Pfizer jab contains the cancer promoting SV40 sequence; ‘such sequences have to be removed (it is well known and used in various experiments), it is completely unnecessary for the production of the mRNA vaccine. The question is why is it present?’ 2 min video
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research
Between July 2021 and August 2022, evidence of undisclosed ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” was published by at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis. Despite operating largely independently of one another, their findings are remarkably similar and highlight the clear and present danger that the world’s population has been lied to regarding the contents of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. This raises grave questions about the true purpose of the dangerous experimental injections that have so far been shot into 5.33 billion people (over two thirds of the human race), including children, apparently without their informed consent regarding the contents. Surprise findings include sharp-edged geometric structures, fibrous or tube-like structures, crystalline formations, “microbubbles”, and possible self-assembling nanotechnology. The blood of people who have received one or more COVID-19 “vaccines” appears, in case after case, to contain foreign bodies and to be seriously degraded, with red blood cells typically in Rouleaux formation. Taken together, these 26 studies make a powerful case for the full force of scientific investigation to be brought to bear on the COVID-19 “vaccine” contents. If the findings of these 26 studies are confirmed, then the political implications are nothing short of revolutionary: a global crime against humanity has been committed, in which every government, every regulator, every establishment media organization, and all the professions have been complicit.
July 2022 German doctors summary report - see page 3
"The COVID-19 vaccination programmes must be stopped immediately"
1. Toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines - without exception.
2. The blood samples of all the people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes."
29th September 2021, at the pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany, the results of analysis of COVID-19 vaccine samples were presented by an Austrian research group. Undeclared components, which were conspicuous by their unusual shape and behaviour, were found in the vaccines. 30 min video
German doctors, article with videos and brief summary
American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid VAXXXines - Report and slides
Dr Robert Young, Research Scientist – (toxic) Graphene and Parasites in ‘vaccines’. Updated Nov 22 numerous slides and analysis report:
Scientists from New Zealand, Spain, Germany, Canada and US – Toxic ingredients in Covid vaccines
Dr Jessica Rose
Cationic Lipid Nanoparticles used by Moderna and Pfizer are known toxins not fit for human use
Moderna uses LNP SM-102 which states clearly not for human use
How did both companies come up with a different cationic LNP that’s suddenly safe?
LNPs have a known history of being very problematic. They dump their payload wherever they land, the brain, heart, spleen, ovaries and cause your cells to produce a toxic foreign protein. 2 min video
SM-102 (used in COVID Vax) safety data
SM-102 is an ‘ionizable amino lipid’ found in the Moderna shot (https://www.fda.gov/media/144638/download), now approved for 6+ year olds in the UK (Note - now approved for babies 6 months to 5year olds). These are just a few of its dangerous side effects:
Acute toxicity if swallowed or inhaled, hazardous to health, and mutagenic (causes cancer).
Known to cause anemia, cough, CNS depression, drowsiness, headache, heart damage, lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), liver damage, narcosis, reproductive effects and teratogenic effects
SM-102 is more dangerous from a health (blue symbol) point of view than both gas and diesel.
Jessica Rose detailed report https://jessicar.substack.com/p/what-is-sm-102
Simple graphic of safety data/sheets re SM-102
Dr Mark Trozzi - What’s Really in the Covid "Vaccines" Explanation of ingredients found by international research team (see below) and effects found on blood, liver and other organs 12 min video:
Gene-based Vaccine Damage: Evidence – Doctors for COVID Ethics
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research
Italian Analysis - 12 subjects were tested before AND after jab
Dark Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-Covid mRNA Injections from Pfizer/Biotech or Moderna
Case Briefing Document And Lab Report Ref AUC 101 Report :
Lab report deals with just ONE of numerous undeclared substances in 'vaccines'
See page 62 of 88 for explanation of toxicity of Graphene Oxide, see page 86 of 88 for easy to understand summary: